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South Boston Yacht Club.   Founded by a group of friends in 1868, this club was initially boasted 59 members. They incorporated in 1877. By then membership had grown to 139 members and a fleet of 44 yachts. Although it moved a couple of times over the years, the club still exists and in 2000 had 476 members. Click here to visit their site.

The popularity of yachting exploded after the civil war, as the business climate improved and men both prospered and looked for diversions outside of the cities. Clubs such as this sprang up all along the eastern coast from Boston to New York. Many boat builders and outfitters that had previously focus on the fishing and whaling industries, developed and marketed new products to take advantage of the growing Yachting market.


Stock. Issued in 1898. #32.

Score Card
Rarity Industry Beauty Cross-Collectable Importance Age
4 7 5 6 2 5
Overall Value 5
 *Rankings are 0 (lowest) to 10 (highest) (key)

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